Beat the Heat
Here's What You Need to Know!
What is Heatstroke?
Heatstroke is the most serious of heat-related illnesses. A person with heatstroke may have a body temperature greater than or equal to 105 degrees F°, and may be disoriented, delirious or comatose. They may have a headache, a red, dry face, hot skin (to the touch), and even experience seizures. Heatstroke can occur very rapidly and progress to a life-threatening stage within minutes. Persons who show signs of heatstroke should be placed in a semi-sitting position to reduce the amount of hot blood going to the head, their clothes should be loosened and the head and body flooded with cold water. Medical attention should be sought immediately.
What is Heat Exhaustion?
Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat related illness that can develop following exposure for several days to high temperatures and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids. A person with heat exhaustion may feel dizzy, nauseous, weak and tired. They may experience severe headaches, muscle cramps, heavy perspiration and shallow breathing. Their skin will feel cool and clammy. Persons who show signs of heat exhaustion should lie down in the coolest available space, loosen clothing, lower the head slowly while raising the feet and seek medical advice immediately. Heat exhaustion sometimes requires hospitalization.
Who is at Risk?
While all people should take proper precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses, the elderly, infants and young children, people with disabilities and those taking medication for chronic health conditions are at increased risk.
Persons whose fluid consumption is restricted for medical reasons or who use diuretic medications should not alter their fluid intake patterns without the advice of their physician.
How Can I Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses?
- Drink plenty of water and natural juices to keep the body hydrated.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine because they dehydrate the body.
- Eat light foods as hot, heavy foods tend to add heat to the body.
- Avoid the use of salt tablets or high salt foods.
- Wear light colored, light weight cotton clothing. If you must go outdoors, wear a hat and use sunscreen.
- Discontinue or reduce strenuous physical activity during extremely hot weather. Avoid prolonged outdoor activities and take frequent breaks from any outdoor activities.
- If you do not have air conditioning, try to spend at least a few hours each day in an air conditioned place, as it will reduce your risk for illness.
- Take a cold bath or shower to cool off your body. Cold, wet washcloths can also be used to cool the body.
- Try to avoid cooking or baking, especially during the hottest times of the day.
- Check on elderly or ill neighbors and family members frequently.