Traffic Control
The Township Road District traffic infrastructure consists of traffic control signs and pavement markings that safely control and direct the flow of traffic within the community.
The Township Road District Policies established for traffic control maintenance are to: report malfunctions of any traffic signal to the appropriate agency within one hour of being notified; report non-township sign deficiencies to the appropriate governmental agency within 1 work day from receipt of notice; manufacture intersection street name and traffic control signs within one work day, or to order and receive specialized traffic control sign(s) within two work weeks; replace stop signs within 2 hours of notification; and replace missing and/or defaced all other township traffic control signs within 2 work days from receipt of notification.
Repairs, removals, additions and enhancements of signs and pavement markings within the traffic control system infrastructure are generated by verbal and written requests from residents, Police reports, other governmental entities or from Township Road District staff after visual inspection of traffic control infrastructure.