Parkway Services
Parkway services encompasses a wide range of activities which include, but are not limited to: tree trimming and removals; reforestation; landscaping and weed cutting services; free brush pick-up and storm sewer maintenance and repairs. During 1999, a multi-year comprehensive data collection program continued to catalog and inventory all storm sewer lines and signage within the Township Road District rights-of-way. We will continue to collect data and inventory all trees in the rights-of-way on a yearly basis.
The performance benchmarks established for parkway services are to: implement a turf mowing policy to ensure grass and weeds do not exceed 6" on Township Road District maintained rights-of-way; annually plant trees; and to remove storm damage immediately after events of severe weather.
Brush Pick-up
Free brush pick-up service is provided to residents of unincorporated Northfield Township in the months of May, June and September.
Tree Trimming/Removal
Tree trimming and removal is performed to maintain shape, remove dead or diseased limbs, and to remove potential hazards to pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic. It is the policy of the Township Road District to grind tree stumps when a tree is removed.
Reforestation Program
In the Township Road District Newsletter a cost sharing reforestation program is advertised, offering cost subsidized trees for planting on public parkways fronting residences and/or businesses. All species of trees offered cost the residents $300.
Storm Damage Pickup
The Township Road District assists its residents in the removal of brush, limbs, and trees that were damaged from severe wind and wet snow storms. The residents are required to stack the brush and logs at the curb for Township Road District pickup.