Northfield Township Tim Rueckert
ROAD DISTRICT Highway Commissioner

Tornado Preparedness

tornadoThere is little you can do to protect your home or workplace from the strength of tornado winds, but knowing what actions to take will provide better protection for you and your family.

Tornadoes can occur at any time of the day or night and in almost any month of the year; however, most occur in April, May, June, and July between 3PM and 7PM during temperatures between 70 to 75 degrees with high relative humidities.

Taking Cover 

Whether you are in your home, place of business, or public building, one basic rule to follow is ALWAYS AVOID WINDOWS. Most public places, such as schools and shopping malls, have designated shelter areas. The best areas are basements, small interior rooms with NO WINDOWS, locker rooms, washrooms, hallways away from doors and windows, or any other protected area away from doors and windows. Areas you DO NOT want to be in are gymnasiums and auditoriums, hallways and rooms with windows and exterior doors, and rooms near chimneys.

If you are in a mobile home, outside or in a car, either seek shelter in a safe structure or lie down flat in a ditch, gully, or low spot in the ground. With your hands or anything else available, cover the back of your head. DO NOT try to outrun a tornado.


Home Emergency Checklist

Part of your planning should include, but not be limited to, the items listed below. Keep these items (fresh batteries, water, prescriptions, etc.) current and in a sturdy easy-to-carry container such as a backpack, duffel bag or plastic container.

  1. Change of clothing (warm) and a blanket or sleeping bag.
  2. A first aid kit that includes your family’s prescription medications. The kit could also include cold tablets, pain relief (aspirin) and spare eyeglasses.
  3. Emergency tools including a battery powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries for both.
  4. Special items for infants, elderly or disabled family members.
  5. Extra set of car keys, credit card, cash or travelers’ checks.
  6. Bottled drinking water.